MAGICA is Burning

Book Synopsis

In the enchanting world of Magica, where five elemental realms coexist, and Spirit Animals roam freely, a formidable darkness threatens to shroud the once-vibrant planet in despair. The story begins with a sense of foreboding as silver gases poison the skies and seas of this magical realm, causing anxiety to grip the usually carefree and sly nineteen-year-old Earth Realm Princess, Mahari. Little does she know that her destiny is intricately woven with the fate of Magica itself.
Mahari, a reluctant hero, must find the courage to combat her inner turmoil and take a stand against the approaching devastation. Alongside her, two unlikely companions emerge: Anzel, the tormented Dragon Prince, and Bastian, the conflicted son of the tyrant responsible for Magica’s plight. As they journey through a world teetering on the brink of chaos, a prophecy unfolds before them, setting in motion a test of their resilience.
In a realm gasping for breath under the looming shadow of climate change, the trio faces not only external threats but also the daunting shadows within themselves. Loyalties are challenged, and the power of the human spirit is put to the ultimate test. Can they overcome their differences, confront their inner demons, and unite against the darkness threatening their beloved world?
The first installment of a planned series, “Magica is Burning – A Burning World” is a spellbinding tale that combines magic, conflict, and the indomitable strength of the human spirit. As you delve into the pages of this captivating story, you’ll be transported to a world both unforgettable in its beauty and turmoil. With each turn of the page, you’ll witness the growth of Mahari and her allies, the evolution of their bonds, and the trials they must face to save their realm.
Are you ready to embark on an epic journey of magic, prophecy, and the resilience of the human heart? Join Mahari, Anzel, Bastian, and their Spirit Animal companions as they strive to protect the enchanting world of Magica. Turn the page, and let your adventure begin in a realm where the fate of nature and the power of unity intertwine in an epic battle for survival.

Subscribe & Download Free Chapters 1,2,3 & 4

About the Author

Cassandra is a climate change expert and has worked for various international organizations, including the United Nations and the World Bank Group, for almost a decade.

She has been tempted to use the art of storytelling to highlight the climate emergency (and to a certain extent, mental health) for what felt like eons.

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